Advocating for Informed
Middle East Policies

Pro-America. Pro-Israel. Pro-Truth. Proudly Non-Partisan

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Founded in 2005, The Endowment for Middle East Truth (EMET) is a Washington, D.C. based think tank and policy center with an unabashedly pro-America and pro-Israel stance. EMET (which means truth in Hebrew) prides itself on challenging the falsehoods and misrepresentations that abound in U.S. Middle East policy.

As a tax-exempt 501(C) 3 Non-Profit organization we work to educate policy-makers by providing pertinent information to senators and representatives to make informed decisions that will improve American security and the security of America’s ally, Israel. EMET earned its reputation as the “go-to-people” on Capitol Hill for Senators and Members of Congress who understand the importance of a strong and secure America, and a strong American-Israeli alliance against the forces of radical Islam and terror.

Latest Resources

Webinar Transcripts
Breaking the Paradigm in the Middle East Transcript
Press Releases and Action Alerts
EMET Proudly Supports Efforts to Bring Justice to American Victims of Palestinian Terrorism

Upcoming EMET Webinars

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Weekly EMET Webinars

EMET now hosts its seminar series via Zoom as a weekly webinars featuring our treasure trove of brilliant minds and engaging speakers.
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Latest Articles

How the US can benefit from deepening Azerbaijani-Israeli ties
Gazans Need the Freedom to Leave
The Palestinian cause will not end Saudi-Israeli normalization
The Arc of The Moral Universe
Keep France away from the Middle East peace process
Intense Emotions about the Release of the Hostages
Expand the Abraham Accords to Central Asia
Project 2028: America’s ‘Back to the Future’ moment on Iran

Latest Updates from EMET

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