URGENT: Action Alert – Call your Senators NOW to Ensure that Congress Weighs in on the Nuclear Agreement with Iran!
The Corker-Menendez Iranian Nuclear Agreement Review Act (S.615) is the only way to avoid the Obama administration from precipitously signing onto an agreement with the Islamic Republic of Iran without the appropriate congressional oversight that the founders of the Constitution knew would be necessary for arms control agreements and treaties. On such a critical role of importance to American national security as well as to that of the region, and the balance of nuclear power in the world, it is necessary for Congress to be able to weigh in.
The Act will enable Congress to review and vote on the Iranian nuclear deal that the Obama Administration is bent on signing this month. The Act will likely be voted on next week. We need enough votes to over-ride a Presidential veto. Please flood your Senators with phone calls asking them to sign onto S.615 the Iranian Nuclear Agreement Review Act.
You may find your Senators by state here or call the switch board at 202-224-3121
Please send this out to all of your friends and colleagues.
Here is a sample script “Hi may name is X calling from X State to ask that (my Senator) sign onto S.615 the Iranian Nuclear Agreement Review Act. The bill will ensure that Congress reviews any nuclear agreement with Iran. If the Senator has already co-sponsored S. 615, thank you. If the Senator has not co-sponsored this bill, I ask that he/she does, to ensure that his/her voice is heard.”
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Sarah Stern on Global Voice Hall – Obama Condescending to Jewish Millenials
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