Dr. Mordechai Kedar

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BA: 1982, Arabic and Political Science, Bar-Ilan University, Israel.
PhD: 1998, Arabic, Bar-Ilan University, Israel.
Areas of Research: Islam, Islamic Movements, gender issues in Islam, Arabic mass media, popular culture in the Arab world, state and society in the Arab world.
Languages: Fluent in Hebrew, English and Arabic.
Assistant Professor: Bar-Ilan University, Israel.

Military service:
Lieutenant Colonel in the Israel Defense Forces, Military Intelligence, head of a branch in the hi-tech 8200 unit. On active duty until 1995.

Teaching experience:
Teaching at Bar-Ilan University since 1994, Departments of Arabic and Middle East Studies.
Adjunct lecturer: Tel-Aviv University, Israel, 2005 (Course on Islam)
Adjunct lecturer: Ariel College, Israel, 2006. (Course on Islam)

Member of academic institutions:
Director of the Center for the Study of the Middle East and Islam (under formation), Bar-Ilan University, Israel.
Research Associate at the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies, Bar-Ilan University, Israel.
Member of the Herzliya Inter-Disciplinary Center, Israel – Study team: “Facing Radical Islam”
Member of the international board of The Berlin International Center for the Study of Antisemitism (BICSA)
Member of the international board of Canadian Institute for Jewish Research (CIJR)

Weekly analysis about the Middle East of the Israeli “Makor Rishon” Weekly analysis about the Middle East of the Israeli “Yom le-Yom”.

Publications (partial list):
Clash of Values: Gender and Family Issues as Sources of Tension between Islam and the West, Herzliyya, 2007.
Asad In Search of Legitimacy: Messages and Rhetoric in the Syrian Press under Hafiz and Bashar, Sussex Academic Press, Brighton, 2005.
“Our Children Are in Danger” – Education as Viewed by the Islamic Movement in Israel in: Ami Ayalon and David Wasserstein (eds.), Madrasa: Education, Religion and State in the Middle East (in Hebrew), Tel-Aviv, 2004, pp. 353-381.
Islam and ‘Female Circumcision’ – The Dispute over FGM in the Egyptian Press, September 1994, Medicine and Law – World Association for Medical Law, Vol. 21 No. 2, 2002, pp. 403-418.
The Clash of Values: Islamists and the UN 1994 Population and Development Conference in Cairo, Paper presented at an international colloquium at Tel Aviv University, entitled: “Middle Eastern Societies and the West: Accommodation or Clash of Civilization?”, December 2002.

To be published shortly:
In Search of Legitimacy: Asad’s Islamic Image in the Syrian Official Press in: Moshe Ma’oz et al. (eds.), Modern Syria from Ottoman Rule to Pivotal Role in the Middle East, Sussex Academic Press, Brighton, 1999, pp. 17-32.
“Arabness” in the Syrian Media: Political Messages Conveyed by Linguistic Means” in: International Journal of the Sociology of Language, Joshua A. Fishman (ed.) (Guest ed. Jacob Landau), No. 137 (1999), pp. 141-146.

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