Steven Frank

Steve Frank is an attorney, retired after a thirty-year career as an appellate lawyer with the United States Department of Justice in Washington, D.C. At the Department of Justice, Mr. Frank represented the United States in a wide-variety of civil cases, including the defense of statutes and regulations challenged as unconstitutional or otherwise unlawful, government officials sued in their individual capacity, Freedom of Information Act cases, False Claims Act cases, and other matters involving national security, international law, copyright law, tort law, and commercial law. He is admitted to and has argued before all the United States Courts of Appeals. He is also a member of the Bar of the United States Supreme Court. He is currently a member of the Board of Directors of the Lawfare Project, which fights anti-Semitism throughout the world and provides counsel to Shurat Hadin (the Israel Law Center) and Stand with Us, among other Jewish and Israel oriented organizations. Mr. Frank travels frequently to Israel and Judea and Samaria and serves as the Shomron Regional Council’s U.S. representative. Mr. Frank’s writings on Israel, the law and architecture have appeared in numerous publications including the Washington Post, the Chicago Tribune, the Jerusalem Post, the Times of Israel, and Moment Magazine.

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