Joseph Epstein

Joseph Epstein is EMET’s Legislative Fellow. Prior to EMET, Joseph worked in Business Intelligence and Due Diligence for Kroll and Vcheck Global. He has additionally worked as a journalist, analyst, and consultant covering security and migration issues in the former Soviet Union, the Middle East, and Central Africa. From 2017 to 2019, he served as a Lone Soldier in the Israeli Border Police. A graduate of Columbia University, where he studied Political Science and Soviet Studies, Joseph is fluent in Russian and Hebrew.

No Partner for Peace: The Fantasy of a Moderate Palestinian Authority
Middle East
The Hezbollah of the Caucasus
We’re Not on the ‘Brink’ of WWIII. We’re in It
How far will we go to stop Iran?
Terror Watch: It’s Time to Rethink Our Relationship With Qatar
A Disappearing Lake Leads to Dangerous Protests in Iran
Prigozhin Is Not the Only Warlord Keeping Putin Up at Night
Middle East
Iranian Subversion in Azerbaijan Must Not Go Unchecked