Let me be clear:
Now is not the time for a hard rhetorical “red line“ by the Obama Administration against sending American troops into Iraq or Syria to fight the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) threat. U.S. Presidents should not fight wars focused on political slogans – “no boots on the ground” – that show weakness and limit them from getting the job done. Besides which, it is simply not true; the U.S. already has sixteen hundred troops “on the ground.”
Now is also not the time to focus on building a new force of Syrian rebels that will actually be trustworthy, pro-American, and well-trained. A project like this will take months, if not years, to bear fruit.
Now is also not the time for indecision about whether to “manage” or “degrade and destroy” ISIS.
Now is not the time for theoretical discussions about the nature of Islam, especially when the Obama Administration has no actual expertise on this subject.
Now is not the time to focus on getting the support of the U.N. for anything, as it is an international group of anti-American, anti-Semitic, extremists, and brutal dictators.
Now is not the time to limit our air strikes to nighttime raids that minimize the death and damage to ISIS.
Now is not the time for the U.S. to consider the Iranians as an ally against ISIS. Iran is an even more powerful Islamist enemy of the U.S., who is still engaging in a thirty-five year bloody war directed against the U.S. Besides which, the pro-Western Arab nations – Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia – are unlikely to cooperate with the U.S. if there is a real collaboration between the U.S. and Iran.
And perhaps most importantly, now is not the time for more superfluous blather by President Obama, Secretary Kerry, or any other member of the Administration about this crisis. The problem with this administration is not that outside observers believe they are reticent to express their views on this, or any other, topic. It is that outside observers believe that all the Administration does is talk, but never do they follow their talk with any real action.
And the U.S. must act, now.
Let me be clear – ISIS is an immediate danger to the U.S. ISIS terrorists beheaded two American citizens, laughing and insulting the U.S. and President Obama as they did so. ISIS has its own state, two billion dollars in its bank accounts, oil fields, tons of modern weaponry, along with thousands of dedicated terrorists ready to kill infidels and crusaders. It also has, and has used, chemical weapons. U.S. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel has acknowledged that more than 100 U.S. citizens with passports have fought alongside the terrorist organization in the Middle East. Some of them already have, and all of them can, easily return to the U.S. to conduct terror attacks. And who knows how many Americans still within the continental states are sympathizers of ISIS. Further, the leadership of ISIS has time and again threatened President Obama, the U.S. and Americans throughout the world and at home in America.
ISIS is electrifying the extremist Islamist world with its battlefield successes and flaunting of American power, making the U.S. look weak in front of the rest of the world. Having heard President’s speech to Americans about ISIS and Iraq, the ISIS barbarians posted a video, which in the words of the Weekly Standard, can be summarized by the title “ISIS to U.S.: Bring It On.”
This situation is extremely dangerous. Because of the President’s current show of weakness, and his previous foreign policy mistakes, ISIS, Iran, Russia, North Korea, and every other bad actor in this world have taken measure of President Obama and they have determined him to be a feeble and indecisive man. None fear him. And now, they are continually taking advantage of him. That, more than anything else, is what is driving the increasing chaos and danger throughout the world.
Let me be clear – President Obama needs to brush up on his Machiavelli; “whether it be better to be loved than feared or feared than loved? …because it is difficult to unite them in one person, is much safer to be feared than loved, when, of the two, either must be dispensed with.”
And there is only one way that he can create fear in the hearts of ISIS. The U.S. must destroy ISIS. The U.S. must kill “Caliph Ibrahim.” And the U.S. must execute the jihadists who personally beheaded the two American citizens.
Originally published at FrontPage Mag at https://www.frontpagemag.com/2014/adam-turner/not-destroying-isis/
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