Today, on this Giving Tuesday, EMET needs your help more than ever.
Last month a vile anti-Semite murdered 11 worshippers in a Pittsburgh synagogue in the deadliest attack ever on Jews in the United States. This is only the latest, and most brutal, of a rising number of anti-Semitic incidents throughout the U.S., especially on college campuses, where Jewish students – or pro-Israel students – are often under siege.
On Capitol Hill, EMET is working harder than ever to protect Jewish students on campus, the State of Israel, and the United States. In addition to our legislative success, EMET continues to fight the battle of ideas by hosting our monthly Capitol Hill seminars and phone seminars, featuring worldwide experts and policymakers.
During the past year, EMET has held more than 280 meetings on Capitol Hill, hosted 13 Capitol Hill Seminars, and 7 phone seminars.
But EMET cannot continue our critical work alone. We need you to help us fight anti-Semitism on campuses, curb the biases of Middle East Studies Centers, educate the Congress about the Golan Heights, and help American victims of Palestinian to get the justice they so sorely deserve. And we need you to help us convey the emet – the truth – about Israel’s proud struggle to survive, and thrive, in the volatile Middle East.
We ask you to please contribute as much as you can comfortably afford on this Giving Tuesday. With your support, we can continue to make a difference.
**If you are making purchases on Amazon, #StartWithaSmile, and Amazon donates 0.5% of the purchase price to Endowment for Middle East Truth. Bookmark the link and support EMET every time you shop.
Help us work to ensure that our policymakers and the public receive the EMET- the Truth.