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Monday, January 23, 2017 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. Rayburn House Office Building Gold Room 2168
Speakers: Rep. Trent Franks (R-AZ) Edwin Black, author IBM and the Holocaust Nathan Lewin, Constitutional Lawyer Sarah Stern, Founder & President of the Endowment for Middle East Truth (EMET) Kenneth Marcus, President of the Brandeis Center Ben Cohen, The Israel Project
The League of Nations outlived its usefulness during the Hitler regime. After the War, the League was replaced by the United Nations. Now the United Nations has outlived its usefulness and must be replaced with a new international body, one comprised solely of those nations governed by democratic principles, devoted to genuine democracy, equality, and peaceful relations throughout the world. The United States should defund and withdraw form the United Nations and reconstitute the movement to achieve world peace for all in a new world body: The Covenant of Democratic Nations. The Covenant of Democratic Nations will review, re-ratify, amend, or nullify all acts and resolutions of the uNited nations and its agencies creating a new body of long-overdue, reformed, and updated international law.
Lunch to be served. All dietary laws observed. Please direct any questions to Deanne at dheffernan@emetonline.org