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“Exposing BDS: The Movement That Seeks to Destroy Israel”
September 7, 2016 @ 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
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The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement is an international anti-Israel movement that seeks to delegitimize and ultimately destroy the State of Israel through the use of political and economic warfare and false accusations. The BDS movement uses gross lies to demonize the Jewish State of Israel – such as by wrongly comparing Israel to apartheid South Africa – in order to win activists on its side. Yet the movement is inherently anti-peace, while opposed to any type of negotiations with Israel or Israelis, even if it is for the benefit of the Palestinians, and often uses-anti-Semitic tactics to delegitimize and undermine Israel’s existence as a sovereign state.
The BDS movement’s global reach, from calls by BDS activists on U.S. college campus for universities to divest from Israel, to the European Union voting to label products from Judea and Samaria (the West Bank), should be a concern for all Americans and the rest of the free world. Please join us as we hear from experts from around the world about the challenges the BDS movement poses, and how we may work to combat them.
*Just Confirmed: Congressman Louie Gohmert, Congressman Pete Sessions, & Congressman Erik Paulsen to speak *
About Sarah Stern: Sarah Stern is the Founder and President of the Endowment for Middle East Truth, (EMET), an unabashedly pro-Israel and pro-America think tank and policy shop in Washington DC. Sarah has more than 30 years of experience on Capitol Hill, and has helped to draft and pass many pieces of legislation, speeches and congressional resolutions including the Koby Mandell Act which resulted in the opening of an office in the Department of Justice (DOJ) entitled the Office for Justice of Victims of Overseas Terrorism (OVT); the Syria Accountability Act; and a Resolution in support of Israel’s right to build a security fence and defend her citizens the way they deem appropriate. Sarah was also instrumental in getting several amendments to Title VI of the Higher Education Opportunities Act in passed in 2008, to correct the anti-American and anti-Israeli biases in Middle East Studies programs that have been funded, at taxpayers’ expense, to a number of U.S. universities.
Sarah’s work has appeared in numerous media outlets, including The New Republic, The Middle East Quarterly, Israel Hayom, Frontpagemag.com; Breitbart, InFocus, The American Thinker, The Jerusalem Post, The Times of Israel, and the Washington Jewish Week, among others. She has appeared on television and radio, and has spoken throughout the country and in Israel on topics including the U.S.-Israel relationship, the Iranian nuclear threat, global terrorism, Post Zionism, the corruption of the Palestinian Authority, and many more related issues. Sarah is the editor and author of the highly acclaimed book, “Saudi Arabia and the Global Islamist Terrorist Network: America and the West’s Fatal Embrace.” Additionally, she is the author of one novel, “Cherished Illusions,” (2005, Balfour Books), and has written a chapter in Frank Gaffney’s widely acclaimed book, “War Footing” (Naval Press. 2006).
About Yossi Dagan: Dagan stands at the head of the Shomron Regional Council – the most significant council in Judea & Samaria, the cradle of biblical history, a region which constitutes 12% of the country, lying in the very core of the Land of Israel and vitally strategic to the security of the State of Israel. With an annual population growth of 8-10% (the highest in Israel), the Shomron (Samaria) is also renowned for its excellent quality wines and diverse industry, in which Dagan promotes cooperation and coexistence between Arabs and Jews.
Dagan is married, father of three, holds an LL.B and an LL.M (Law), specializes in mediation and dispute settlement, a reserve Captain in the I.D.F. and, above all, is the motivating factor behind the political and advocative actions which have changed the map with regards to Shomron settlements.
Thanks to his diverse relationships, Yossi Dagan has led highly influential national processes:
During his tenure as Deputy Chairman of the Regional Council (2012-2015), he established an advocacy network which brought influential personalities – amongst the most prominent in Israel – and politicians, diplomats and media both from Israel and abroad to the Shomron. Within a short period, more than 200,000 Israelis came to the Shomron and over 2500 tours were conducted for V.I.P.s, public opinion setters and policy makers. These tours contributed to the change in the perception of the Shomron among many leaders and key agenda setters. Many other local authorities in Judea and Samaria and in the periphery of Israel have emulated the successful model that Dagan has created in the Shomron.
In the last few years, Dagan has been a leader in the battle against the de- legitimization of Israel, including the war against the BDS. Thanks to his bold ties with business and diplomatic factors, and by implementing sophisticated procedures, Dagan has succeeded in creating and strengthening international business relations with the Shomron.
Dagan stands at the head of one of the central and most powerful factions in the Likud Party and is considered the leading personality in the leadership of the Judea and Samaria settlements today. He is considered closely affiliated with Prime Minister Netanyahu, Ministers in the Likud and is influential in right wing parties in Israel, particularly in The Jewish Home (“Habayit Hayehudi”) and “Yisrael Beiteinu”.
According to Israeli media, Dagan was the persona behind the negotiations for the change in the composition of the government to create the most national government Israel has known in years by the appointment of Avigdor Leiberman as Minister of Defense and the inclusion of “Yisrael Beiteinu” in Netanyahu’s present coalition.
About Chloe Valdary: A former Tikvah fellow at the WSJ, Chloé Valdary is the Director of Partnerships & Outreach at Jerusalem U. In 2015, she completed a fellowship under the auspices of Pulitzer Prize-winning author Bret Stephens. In 2013 and 2015, she was named as one of the top 100 people positively affecting Jewish life in the Algemeiner. Her work as a Zionist thinker and human rights activist has been featured on Huffington Post Live, Israel Hayom, The Jerusalem Post, and The Daily Beast, among others.
About John Calvin: He was born in the city of Shcheam in Judea and Samaria (Nablus, West Bank) in 1990, into a Hamas founding family, Muslim extremists and utterly anti-Semitic. He was raised on these same values and beliefs as Calvin was expected to one day inherit my family’s “legacy”: indoctrinated to hate Jews, the state of Israel and everything thing it stood for.