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“Israel as America’s Linchpin in the Middle East”

April 18, 2019 @ 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM

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“Israel as America’s Linchpin in the Middle East”
Featuring Mark Langfan

Thursday, April 18, 2019
12:00pm-2:00pm (Eastern Time)

Location disclosed upon registration.
Must bring government issued ID to get in to the event. 

Lunch to be provided. All dietary laws observed.
For those of you who are unable to attend, please watch LIVE on EMET’s Facebook page!


Israel acts as America’s linchpin in the Middle East, serving as a source of stability and strength in the increasingly volatile region. Ever since the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948, the Jewish State has been a natural ally of the US; it is the only Democracy in the Middle East, shares the same Western values, and has many of the same national security interests. Both Israel and America are in a fight against radical Islam, are working to oppose the hegemonic Iranian ambitions in the Middle East, and seek to curb the spread of Islamic terrorism. Israel provides significant intelligence to the U.S., and its strategic location has been vital for the United States’ security.

Please join us as Mark Langfan explores the strategic value of Israel to the United States, particularly at this time now that Syria is a failed State, Iran, and its proxy Shi’ite militia groups, are gaining further control in the region, and Islamist Turkey is expanding its foothold in Syria, attacking U.S. allies in the region.

About Mark Langfan: Mark Langfan is Chairman of Americans for a Safe Israel and an Arutz Sheva strategy analyst. Langfan is a noted security analyst who in 1991 created a 3-dimensional topographic raised-relief map system of Israel. Viewing the 3D Israel map one can easily and quickly be informed of many of the underlying resource and security issues involved in the Arab-Israeli conflict such as West Bank water resources and Israeli ‘defensible’ borders. Over the past 20 years, Mark has briefed many Congressional and Senate offices, the US Joint Chiefs of Staff Israel Desk, and the New York Times Editorial Board. Mark wrote and published seminal articles concerning the Israeli/Middle East region including the 1992 “Demilitarization Risks” warning of future Palestinian Katyusha rocket barrages from vacated Israeli territory, the 1995 “US Troops on Golan Quicksand” warning of the unique topographic dangers of deploying US Troops to the Golan Heights, and the 2006 “Iran: The 4th Reichastan” exposing the Iranian arming of Iraqi Insurgents against US forces, and of Iran’s other regional and strategic goals., Mark has published numerous articles in newspapers and security journals including the Jerusalem Post, JINSA Security Affairs, PRAVDA, and Arutz Sheva.  (For more information visit www.marklangfan.com.)

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April 18, 2019
12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
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