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The Rise of Jihadist Attacks and the Fallacy of the “Lone Wolf” Terrorist
January 21, 2015 @ 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

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Rayburn House Building
Room B-369
Lunch to Be Served
(Dietary Laws Observed)
RSVP to: dheffernan@emetonline.org,
Please Include Subject Line: “Patrick Poole”
This week’s tragic events in Paris have been a disturbing climax to a consistent trend of violent attacks from radical Islamic terrorists. Preceding the events in Paris was a string of violent actions in just the past few months which included the murder of a soldier in Canada, the hostage situation in Australia, and the beheading of a woman in Nebraska. The media and several counter-terror experts have since coined the term ‘lone wolf’ in reference to the supposed random and independent nature of these attacks. In October 2014, Patrick Poole in turn coined the term ‘known wolf’ to describe these attackers, pointing out the fact that many of them have been known by authorities to have ties to terror organizations and criminal behavior. Please join us as we host Mr. Poole for a seminar in which he explains why the perpetrators of these attacks are in fact ‘known wolves,’ and why it is important to change the way in which we think about these kinds of perpetrators.
Patrick Poole is a counter-terrorism and national security consultant. He is an internationally recognized subject matter expert on domestic terrorism and the global jihadist movement, and he has been actively involved in and served as a consultant on numerous terrorism cases. Mr. Poole regularly briefs members of Congress and congressional staff, he has conducted lectures and training for numerous federal, state and local law enforcement agencies, and he has taught classes at the U.S. Army War College and the U.S. Air Force Staff and Command College. His peer-reviewed research articles have appeared in the Middle East Review of International Affairs, the Journal of International Security Affairs and Middle East Quarterly. He also is a correspondent for PJMedia. A graduate of The Ohio State University, Mr. Poole splits his time between Ohio and Washington D.C.
Statement from Sarah Stern, President of EMET: EMET expresses our deepest sympathies to the victims and their families of the Charlie Hebdo attack and the related Hypercacher attack.