
The Fragile Israeli-Jordanian Peace: Escalating Friction, the Impact on Regional Security, and U.S. Interests

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OVj4nzlWWio&t=545s   Foreign policy expert Dr. Jonathan Schanzer published an insightful report on the state of Israeli/Jordanian relations entitled, Neither Here Nor There: Jordan and the Abraham Accords, in which he summarized, “For the two decades that followed , observers referred to Jordanian-Israeli ties as the “warm peace,” particularly compared to the frosty […]

The Incoming Israeli Government’s Policies and Challenges

  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8APYHzzVX9I   As the new Israeli government begins its work, its challenges are as multiple as they are complex. Many critics outside of Israel have already threatened to cut off ties with the new government, even before they have assumed office.  Before passing judgment on the incoming Israeli administration is essential to have an […]

Why do we in the West, treat Qatar, the Icon of Evil, With Kid Gloves?

https://youtu.be/rAQSIU-Bwa8 This is a very complex and sensitive issue. Qatar has very close relationships with Iran and is the chief funder of Hamas, as well as Palestinian Islamic Jihad. And yet, the United States maintains the Al Udeid Air Base, just west of Doha, NASA maintains relations with Doha, and Boeing has recently signed a […]

When Will the Biden Administration Stop Funding Palestinian Terrorism

  https://youtu.be/8gTpGLc0VZ0 Last month, America First Legal filed a lawsuit against President Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken for violating the Taylor Force Act, federal legislation that prohibits the government from providing funds to the Palestinian Authority until it stops supporting terrorism including its pay-for-slay program that financially rewards terrorists and their families for […]

The Failed State of Lebanon: The Challenge for the United States and Israel

https://youtu.be/4ug-0zPg_X4 The late December murder of an Irish member of UNIFIL, the UN Interim Force in Lebanon, UNIFIL has once again brought some attention to the failed state of Lebanon. UNIFIL was established in 1978 to temporarily maintain the peace between Israel and Hezbollah. Forty-five years after its formation, we are examining whether it is fulfilling […]

The Palestinian Authority: Guilty of Child Abuse

  https://youtu.be/MsIAQ1JP5qo Last weekend, a Palestinian child of merely 13 years of age, shot an Israeli father and son as they were eating in a Jerusalem restaurant. It is no wonder. Ever since the Oslo Accords were signed on September 13, 1993, many have thought of the Palestinian Authority as the reasonable partner, working in […]

Israel’s Democracy is Just Fine

https://youtu.be/LcPS7LnBoeI In his recent column, historian Gil Troy wrote, “Caricaturing the Israeli government as worse than it is, and Israeli democracy as more fragile than it is, is a gift to the bash-Israel-firsters in the media, the professoriate, Congress and the State Department, and the rabbinate, many of whom feel vindicated by the impression that […]

Israel’s Dilemma in the Face of Deepening Russian and Iranian Ties

https://youtu.be/60cMVfYeieI   Read Transcript Here   Since the start of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Iran and Russia have increased their military and economic cooperation. Late last year, Moscow reached an agreement with Tehran to open a manufacturing plant on Russian soil. Iran in turn is set to receive a number of Russian Sukhoi 35 fighter […]

Are the Proposed Judicial Reforms a Death Knell to Israeli Democracy?

  https://youtu.be/GW7JK2HxCSY   Read Transcript Here   Many of us have looked on with horror as we see a highly polarized Israeli people torn apart by the proposed judicial reforms. As I write these words, the first set of bills of the proposed legislation was read before the Knesset, the Israeli parliament, and the streets […]

Is it Too Late to Stop Iran from Getting the Bomb?

https://youtu.be/_-zsFNnvl00   Read Transcript Here Since this webinar had first been arranged the world had woken up, last Friday, to the surprise announcement that Beijing has brokered stronger ties between Riyadh and Tehran, radically upending the world order that we had known of, with the United States at the helm. This has reverberated around capitals […]