
Speaking In Solidarity With the Brave Dissidents in Iran

  https://youtu.be/fpKkrfMibxg As we write these words, every single one of Iran’s 33 provinces and over 100 of the Islamic Republic’s cities has seen their streets roiling over in protests against their repressively brutal tyranny. Approximately 18,000 Iranian dissidents have been rounded up and imprisoned, and approximately 500 have been randomly shot or otherwise killed […]

The Fragile Israeli-Jordanian Peace: Escalating Friction, the Impact on Regional Security, and U.S. Interests

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OVj4nzlWWio&t=545s   Foreign policy expert Dr. Jonathan Schanzer published an insightful report on the state of Israeli/Jordanian relations entitled, Neither Here Nor There: Jordan and the Abraham Accords, in which he summarized, “For the two decades that followed , observers referred to Jordanian-Israeli ties as the “warm peace,” particularly compared to the frosty […]