
Israel’s View of the Recent Warming of Ties between Iran and Saudi Arabia

https://youtu.be/OSSST-s9XqE On March 10th, as plans were being quietly discussed for Saudi Arabia to join the Abraham Accords and become a reliable partner with Israel against the threat of a nuclear Iran, Israelis woke up to the news that Beijing had forged an agreement between Riyadh and Tehran. How is this being received in Jerusalem? […]

Combatting The Rapid Rise of Antisemitism in the United States

https://youtu.be/JLQ-iRWyI9M   Read Transcript Here   As the ADL just reported on Thursday, 2022 was the worst year in US history for antisemitic incidents. They recorded 3,697 incidents-10 per day, (and those are the ones that they are aware of.) What is most disturbing is that 494 of these took place in kindergarten through 12th-grade […]

The Multi-front War Against Israel

  https://youtu.be/m_kMFHMSa8Y   Read Transcript Here   On April 5th, the eve of Passover, Israel faced the most significant barrage of rocket attacks from Lebanon, 34, since the 2006 Lebanon War. On top of that, 6 rockets were fired from Syria, with 2 crossing the border into Israel. In addition to that, with the holidays […]

Yom Ha’Atzmaut 2023: Commemorating the Significance of the Rebirth of Israel

https://youtu.be/_mmHSYFVJKo   Read Transcript Here   During this special commemoration of Israel’s 75 years of existence, we will be discussing why there is a need for a sovereign, independent state of Israel; the sacrifices of thousands of soldiers in the Israeli Defense Forces as well as that of thousands of victims of terrorism; and whether […]

The Clash of Civilizations within Modern Israel

https://youtu.be/dYPHU9xu-6k   Read Transcript Here   As the state of Israel was established, diverse populations flooded its shores and carried within them conflicting visions of what this new, young nation-state would prioritize. Would it be fundamentally a Jewish state or a democracy? Was its nature forged from the Western enlightenment or from the yeshivot in […]

Explaining the Recent Turkish Elections: How Will The Results Impact on Turkish Human Rights, and on Turkey’s International Relations?

https://youtu.be/3fJnWPy16is   Read Transcript Here   On May 14th, after 5 years of a contentious presidency, and 20 years of AKP (The Justice and Development Party) rule, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan will finally be facing some challenging opposition. Erdogan’s tenure as president has been marked by steadily eroding Turkish democracy and a tightening grip […]

A Dangerous New World: The Challenges Resulting from the Changing Geopolitical Landscape under President Biden

https://youtu.be/KzYow7Sp5xE   Read Transcript Here   When Barack Obama entered office, he promised to “fundamentally transform the United States of America.” What he didn’t mention was that his policies would also fundamentally transform the world and that such transformation would begin with the destruction of the Pax Americana that maintained relative stability and peace in […]

The View From Israel Within the Perilous, Shifting Sands of the Middle East

  https://youtu.be/xcJs21ib4uk   As Iran, according to IAEA Director Rafael Grossi, “is galloping toward a nuclear bomb”, we are watching a rapid realignment of loyalties within the Middle East. Beijing has brokered an agreement between Riyadh and Tehran, and many nations have renewed old alliances that we had thought, only a few short years ago, […]

Palestinian Authority Antisemitism: A Fundamental and Lethal Component of PA Ideology

https://youtu.be/ob3rKkfa8xc   Read Transcript Here   To what degree is antisemitism an inherent part of the ideology of the Palestinian Authority? Is the Palestinian antisemitism that we hear so frequently about coming from isolated, random remarks, or is it propagated from the top down? Is it only found in the Islamist fundamentalist groups such as […]