Past Webinars

Is the Iranian Regime Finally Beginning to Crack?

November 16, 2022

Iran has been confronted with the largest wave of mass protests since Ayatollah Sayyid Ruhollah Khomeini first seized the reigns of power in 1979. These demonstrations followed the death of […]

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Making Sense of the Recent Israeli Election

November 9, 2022

On November 1st the citizens of Israel went to the polls and have spoken. They clearly elected a more right-wing government. Likud, together with other members of the right-wing parties […]

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Why Pressuring Israel to Intervene in Russia’s Ukraine War is Misguided and Dangerous

November 2, 2022

  As Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is joined by Congressional lawmakers in condemning Israel for not providing Ukraine with military support in its war with Russia, Israel is being placed […]

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What is at Stake in Israel’s Nov. 1st Election

October 27, 2022

On November 1st, Israelis will be heading back to the polls for the fifth time in four years. What are the major issues confronting them? Are the Israeli people voting […]

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The New Maritime Deal With Lebanon: Who Gains and Who Loses?

October 19, 2022

How successful were these negotiations for everyone involved, and will it actually help to bring peace and stability to the region, economic viability to the people of Lebanon, or simply strengthen Iranian-backed Hezbollah?

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An In-depth Analysis of Russia’s Strategies and Motivations in Ukraine, the Middle East and Beyond

October 13, 2022

Ilan Berman is Senior Vice President of the American Foreign Policy Council in Washington, DC. An expert on regional security in the Middle East, Central Asia, and the Russian Federation, he […]

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The Secret Apparatus: The Muslim Brotherhood’s Industry of Death

October 6, 2022

About the speaker: Cynthia Farahat is an Egyptian-American author, columnist, political analyst, counterterrorism expert, and fellow at the Middle East Forum. She co-founded the Liberal Egyptian Party in Egypt, which […]

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In the Path of the Abraham Accords

September 29, 2022

About the speaker: Jason Greenblatt was appointed by President Trump in 2017 as an Assistant to the President and Special Representative for International Negotiations. In his role, as the White House […]

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Why Foreign Policy Matters in the Midterms

September 21, 2022

About the speaker: Morgan Ortega is the Founder of POLARIS National Security. She is an active U.S. Navy Reserve Officer and a business executive. During the Trump Administration, she served […]

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The Future of the Abraham Accords

September 13, 2022

This week, as we commemorated the second anniversary of the historic signing of the Abraham Accords on the White House Lawn, we will be examining the health and strength of these […]

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