Past Webinars

Mind the Gap: The Divergence Between Israeli & American Jews

September 7, 2022

About the speaker: Jonathan S. Tobin is Editor-in-Chief of the Jewish News Syndicate — — an international wire service covering the Jewish world and Israel. He’s also a senior contributor […]

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Existential Challenges Facing Israel

August 31, 2022

An Iran with 60 kilograms of highly enriched uranium, who has denied inspection access to the International Atomic Energy Administration;  the rise and empowerment of an array of terrorist groups […]

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Reviving a Dead Corpse: The Continuing Iran Negotiations

August 24, 2022

About the speaker: Shoshana Bryen is a leading specialist in U.S. defense policy and Middle East affairs. The former Executive Director and SeniorDirector for Security Policy at JINSA, Mrs. Bryen […]

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The Palestinian Islamic Jihad War Against Israel

August 17, 2022

Editor, columnist and analyst Alex Traiman revealed how Israel’s skilled intelligence agencies were aware Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) was preparing fresh attacks on Israel, enabling Israel to strike preemptively. Traiman […]

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The Jerusalem Sbarro Bombing

August 10, 2022

    Please consider sponsoring an EMET webinar featuring top experts offering critical insights impacting Israel and U.S. national security. Policymakers and the general public need to hear these voices. […]

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The IRGC’s Expanding Presence in Latin America

August 4, 2022

What is the IRGC – which is supposed to be under international sanctions – doing on our doorstep in Latin America? Where is the Biden Administration in tackling this looming threat? Here to discuss this will be Emanuele Ottolenghi.

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Normalization with Saudi Arabia and its Effects on Education

July 20, 2022

IMPACT-se has just released its 2022 annual update on Saudi textbooks, depicting an overall trend of improvement following major reforms since 2020.

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President Biden’s Middle East Trip

July 13, 2022

As President Biden is about to make his maiden presidential voyage to the region, what can we realistically expect him to walk away with? What are the expectations in Israel […]

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The View From Abu Dhabi

July 6, 2022

Our own Hussein Aboubakr Mansour just returned from an extensive trip to Abu Dhabi, where he had several meetings with high-level Emirati, Israeli and Saudi diplomats. He will address his […]

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The Tectonic Shift on Israel’s Northern Border

June 29, 2022

Israel has been conducting what is known as “The War Between the Wars” to reduce the Iranian presence in both Syria and Lebanon and has coordinated with the United States according to a recent Wall Street Journal report.

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