Past Webinars

9/11 Memorial Featuring Rep. Brian Mast

September 10, 2021

About Rep. Brian Mast: Prior to his election to Congress, Brian followed in his father’s footsteps by serving in the U.S. Army for more than 12 years, earning medals including […]

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America’s International Credibility Post Afghanistan

September 2, 2021

We have examined how the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan is perceived by our friends in the region, our enemies in the Middle East and throughout the world. But […]

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The Afghanistan Withdrawal Vis-a-Vis Hezbollah on Israel’s Northern Border

August 25, 2021

Nothing happens in a vacuum.  Unfortunately, many leaders of terrorist organizations were emboldened by America’s muddled and haphazard withdrawal from Afghanistan and the rapid takeover of the Taliban. According to […]

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Special Emergency Webinar: The Fall of Afghanistan

August 20, 2021

About the speaker: Thomas Joscelyn is a senior fellow at FDD and is senior editor of FDD’s Long War Journal, a widely read publication on counterterrorism and related issues. Much of […]

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A Conversation With Middle East & Antisemitism Expert David Wurmser

August 11, 2021

About the speaker: Dr. David Wurmser is a senior analyst and director of the Project on Global anti-Semitism and the US-Israel Relationship at the Center for Security Policy, as well […]

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Rules of Hamas Warfare

August 5, 2021

Rules of Hamas Warfare webinar featuring Douglas Feith

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Lebanon on the Brink of Collapse: What Should be Done?

July 28, 2021

Lebanon is teetering on the brink of collapse. August 4th marks exactly one year since the deadly explosion in the Port of Beirut, which killed more than 200 people, wounded […]

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No Red Lines? America & the Iran Nuclear Talks

July 21, 2021

On Tuesday, July 13, the Islamic Republic of Iran brazenly attempted to kidnap Iranian- American journalist Masih Alinejad from her home in Brooklyn and bolt back to Tehran via speedboats. […]

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The Biden Administration’s Middle East Policy

July 14, 2021

Regarding the Abraham Accords, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said, “Aside from putting forward a peace proposal that was dead on arrival, we don’t think [the prior administration] did […]

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NO FEAR: Rally in Solidarity with the Jewish People

July 11, 2021

On Sunday July 11 at 1pm ET in Washington, D.C, a diverse coalition of Jewish advocacy organizations are hosting “NO FEAR: A Rally in Solidarity with the Jewish People.” The […]

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