Past Webinars

Capitol Hill Webinar – The Special Constraints Affecting the IDF that Covid-19 has Presented

April 6, 2020

FEATURING: Efraim Inbar – President of the Jerusalem Institute for Strategy and Security  About this webinar: Professor Inbar will be discussing the special constraints affecting the Israeli Defense Forces that Covid-19 has […]

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Capitol Hill Webinar – A Very Narrowly Defined Defense Treaty Between the United States and Israel

April 2, 2020

FEATURING:  Dr. Michael Makovsky – CEO and President of JINSA About this webinar: Ever since its founding in 1948, the Israeli military has always had as a regnant part of […]

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Capitol Hill Webinar – The Israeli Elections: A Follow Up Analysis

March 30, 2020

FEATURING: Alex Traiman – Managing Director and Jerusalem Bureau Chief of Jewish News Syndicate About this webinar: It has taken three elections, and a national health emergency, but the elongated […]

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Capitol Hill Webinar – The Israeli Elections

March 25, 2020

FEATURING: Alex Traiman – Managing Director and Jerusalem Bureau Chief of Jewish News Syndicate About this webinar: Aside from the global coronavirus pandemic, and the myriad security threats, uniquely facing […]

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Capitol Hill Webinar – Russian Roulette: Putin’s Increasing Footprint in the Middle East and North Africa

March 19, 2020

FEATURING: Diliman Abdulkader – Co-Founder and Spokesperson for American Friends of Kurdistan Aykan Erdemir – Turkey Program Senior Director for FDD Stephen Blank – Senior Fellow at the Foreign Policy Research Institute About this webinar: Ever since […]

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Capitol Hill Seminar – An Examination of What is Occurring on the Streets of Iran Today

February 26, 2020

Capitol Hill Seminar – An Examination of What is Occurring on the Streets of Iran Today and Whether it Signals a Crack in the Tyrannical Hold of the Regime FEATURING: […]

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Capitol Hill Seminar – International Law and The Pompeo Doctrine: What it Tells Us about the Legal Status of the Communities in Judea and Samaria

January 23, 2020

Featuring Douglas J. Feith, Professor Avi Bell, and Professor Eugene Kontorovich On November 18, 2019, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo shook up the Washington  political establishment by stating, among other […]

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Advocating for Israel’s Survival: The 614th Commandment

November 10, 2019

Sarah’s presentation will include a brief recap of Israel’s struggles to achieve statehood; her efforts towards a lasting peace, the different perceptions regarding the Arab-Israeli conflict among Jewish people living […]

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