Past Webinars

EMET Phone Seminar with Amb. (ret.) Yoram Ettinger-Lessons from Israel’s War in Gaza

August 19, 2014

  Lessons from Israel’s War in Gaza   Featuring: Ambassador Yoram Ettinger

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EMET Briefing with Thomas Joscelyn on the New Caliphate: ISIS

August 13, 2014

RSVP REQUIRED. Email to RSVP and obtain further details. The New Caliphate: The Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham On June 29th, 2014, the Islamist terror group, and a […]

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Phone Seminar: Mosab Hassan Yousef-An Inside Look into Hamas

August 4, 2014

NO RSVP Required. To receive the call-in information please email The Endowment for Middle East Truth is proud to host a phone seminar with Mosab Hassan Yousef, the oldest […]

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EMET Phone Seminar: The Necessity for and Objectives of Operation Protective Edge

July 24, 2014

To hear the recording of this event please click here. EMET is proud to host Former Israeli National Security Advisor Maj. Gen. (res.) Yaakov Amidror to discuss the necessity for […]

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Briefing on the Pursuit of Justice for American Victims of Palestinian Terrorism

July 18, 2014

To watch the recording of this event please click here. Did You Know that Naftali Frenkel, who was one of the three teenage boys kidnapped and brutally murdered along with […]

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Stand Strong for Israel Solidarity Rally

July 17, 2014

To hear Sarah Stern’s speech at the rally please click here. The Endowment for Middle East Truth is a proud cosponser of the Stand Strong for Israel Solidarity Rally. Please […]

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EMET Briefing on Israel’s Operation Protective Edge with Reuven Azar

July 16, 2014

To watch the recording of this event please click here. After being pummeled with rockets from Gaza, on July 7th Israel announced that it had embarked upon a military campaign […]

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July 9th Symposium: 10 Years and Counting…

July 9, 2014

To hear Ambassador Ron Dermer’s speech, please click here. To hear Sarah Stern’s speech, please click here. To hear William Daroff’s speech, please click here. EMET is a proud co-sponsor […]

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EMET Phone Seminar with Dan Diker – Is Israel on the Brink of Another War?

July 7, 2014

To hear the recording of this phone seminar, please click here. The Endowment for Middle East Truth is proud to host Dan Diker, Research Fellow at the International Institute of […]

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Rays of Light in the Darkness 8th Annual Dinner

June 18, 2014

Join EMET at its Rays of Light in the Darkness 8th Annual Dinner on Wednesday, June 18th, as we honor the 2014 Speakers of Truth: Dr. Charles Krauthammer, Governor Mike Huckabee, Dr. Ashraf Ramelah, Congressman Peter Roskam (R-IL), and Congressman Dan Lipinski (D-IL). EMET annually honors luminaries who share its mission, including members of Congress and journalists.

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