Past Webinars

The Failed State of Lebanon: The Challenge for the United States and Israel

February 2, 2023

The late December murder of an Irish member of UNIFIL, the UN Interim Force in Lebanon, UNIFIL has once again brought some attention to the failed state of Lebanon. UNIFIL was […]

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When Will the Biden Administration Stop Funding Palestinian Terrorism

January 25, 2023

  Last month, America First Legal filed a lawsuit against President Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken for violating the Taylor Force Act, federal legislation that prohibits the government […]

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Why do we in the West, treat Qatar, the Icon of Evil, With Kid Gloves?

January 18, 2023

This is a very complex and sensitive issue. Qatar has very close relationships with Iran and is the chief funder of Hamas, as well as Palestinian Islamic Jihad. And yet, […]

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The Incoming Israeli Government’s Policies and Challenges

January 11, 2023

    As the new Israeli government begins its work, its challenges are as multiple as they are complex. Many critics outside of Israel have already threatened to cut off […]

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The Fragile Israeli-Jordanian Peace: Escalating Friction, the Impact on Regional Security, and U.S. Interests

January 4, 2023

      Foreign policy expert Dr. Jonathan Schanzer published an insightful report on the state of Israeli/Jordanian relations entitled, Neither Here Nor There: Jordan and the Abraham Accords, in […]

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Speaking In Solidarity With the Brave Dissidents in Iran

December 28, 2022

  As we write these words, every single one of Iran’s 33 provinces and over 100 of the Islamic Republic’s cities has seen their streets roiling over in protests against […]

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Nexus of Evil: Russo-Iranian Collusion and the Growing Danger of War

December 21, 2022

  As Russia executes its immoral war against Ukraine, it has become apparent that over 300 of the drones that the Russian army has used to rain down over the […]

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Antisemitism: Ideologies and Institutions that Help Further the Hate

December 15, 2022

  From the halls of Congress and college campuses to corporate board rooms and social and mainstream media, antisemitism from the left, right, the Black community, and the Islamic community […]

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While America Sleeps, Iran and Russia Are Subverting the United Nations

December 7, 2022

  This year, we have witnessed Russia and Iran blatantly violate the founding principles of the UN Charter. As Russia has executed its brutal war on Ukraine, Iran has blatantly […]

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Understanding China’s Global Goals and Alliances and Why They Threaten the World

November 30, 2022

As China’s global ambitions – militarily, technologically, and economically – remain unanswered by the U.S., the world’s only superpower with the capability and wherewithal to meet global challenges, threats to […]

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