Today, Rep. Louie Gohmert (TX-01) released the following statement thanking the Endowment for Middle East Truth (EMET) for the ‘Speaker of Truth’ award:
“What a privilege it is to speak at the Endowment for Middle East Truth’s 9th Annual ‘Rays of Light in the Darkness’ dinner and to be presented with the ‘Speaker of Truth’ award. Sarah Stern, EMET founder and president, has truly been a fount of wisdom in the nation’s Capitol – educating key policy makers on the importance of the United States’ relationship with Israel and the continuing battle against radical Islam.
“Terrorism is very real and is poised to wreak havoc on our home front. Our leaders lack boldness and vision or even a strategy to combat the most insidious evil embodied in ISIS. It is imperative that the United States take a strong stand against radical Islam, as it fundamentally threatens our ability to live as a free society. The Obama administration’s strategy of merely watching events unfold across the globe is undermining national security interests at home and abroad.
“There is an ominous and urgent need for EMET and its leader, Sarah Stern, to continue to shine a bright light of truth on the dangers coming out of the Middle East. I pray for their continued success as they enable the revelation of truth across the globe and am honored that they would present me with this award.”
Previous EMET “Speakers of Truth” award recipients have included U.S. Senators Joseph Lieberman, Daniel Inouye, Jon Kyl, Sam Brownback, and Ted Cruz; Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist, Bret Stephens; Pulitzer Prize-winning syndicated columnist, author, and political commentator, Dr. Charles Krauthammer; former U.S. Ambassador; John Bolton; Governor, Mike Huckabee; and Ayaan Hirsi Ali, among many other notables.
Founded in 2005, EMET’s mission is to educate policymakers in Washington and the general public about the importance of Israel to the United States in their common struggle against radical Islam. For more information, please visit, Follow EMET on Twitter and Facebook.
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