Radical Islam

About this Issue

Otherwise known as Islamism, radical Islam is the main enemy facing the U.S., Israel, and the rest of the world. Radical Islam is an extremist version of Islam that requires that all nations submit to Sharia law, which discriminates against women, non-Muslims, and non-extremist Muslims. Among the draconian punishments required by Sharia law is that adulterers must be stoned, and homosexuals must be killed. EMET works with Congress to combat the threat of radical Islam.

Radical Islam
Ambassador Ron Dermer – EMET’s 2014 Rays of Light
Radical Islam
Governor Mike Huckabee – EMET’s 2014 Rays of Light
Radical Islam
Dr. Ashraf Ramelah – EMET’s 2014 Rays of Light
Radical Islam
A War Against Israel’s Right to Exist
Radical Islam
A Reminder to Europe’s Jewish Community — Leave Now
Radical Islam
Katharine Gorka on the Persecution of Christians
Radical Islam
The Struggle of Memory Against Forgetting
Radical Islam
DC Think Tank: PA Merger With Hamas Should End US Funding
Radical Islam
Who Is Governor Chris Christie Really Pandering To?