Radical Islam

About this Issue

Otherwise known as Islamism, radical Islam is the main enemy facing the U.S., Israel, and the rest of the world. Radical Islam is an extremist version of Islam that requires that all nations submit to Sharia law, which discriminates against women, non-Muslims, and non-extremist Muslims. Among the draconian punishments required by Sharia law is that adulterers must be stoned, and homosexuals must be killed. EMET works with Congress to combat the threat of radical Islam.

Radical Islam
Sarah Stern Introduces Melanie Phillips in New York
Radical Islam
Matthew Levitt On “The Global Reach of Hezbollah”
Radical Islam
When it Comes to Jihad Knowledge, Obama is on the Bench
Radical Islam
The Iran Deal Legitimizes a Terrorist Group
Radical Islam
State of the Union address: What Jewish leaders want to hear
Radical Islam
Gathering Storms: The Iranian Drive for Nuclear Weapons
Radical Islam
Rouhani Trumpets P5+1 deal; while Senate Dems Back off New Sanctions Legislation
Radical Islam
Dr. Walid Phares on “Syria: A Third Way Out?”
Radical Islam
Dr. Mordechai Kedar on “Syria: A Third Way Out”