Webinar Speaker

Antisemitism in Academia

https://youtu.be/nMcIhJnQF7I     This webinar was generously sponsored by Lorraine Pelosof While pervasive antisemitism on America’s college campuses is nothing new, the atrocities committed by Hamas on October 7th unleashed a storm of Jew-hatred not seen since Germany in the 1920s and 30s. The aggressive and violent encounters by Jewish students and faculty members on […]

Fighting Antisemitism on College Campuses

https://youtu.be/UfmmjP9RlF8?si=jYlbyVdO27v2uqrm The transcript will be available here   As bad as the state of affairs appeared on college campuses prior to the October 7th massacre of Israelis by the Islamic Republic of Iran’s terror proxy Hamas that included BDS resolutions and interrupting Jewish speakers at campus events, the situation has gotten exponentially worse as antisemitism has […]

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