Soon, the New York State Assembly will be voting on A-9036, a piece of legislation that will prohibit New York State agencies from conducting business with entities that boycott American allies, such as Israel. Its companion bill, S6378A, has already passed the NY State Senate and is on the way to becoming law. A9036, which has broad bi-partisan support, will work against the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel and ensures that New Yorkers are free to continue to conduct business with our ally abroad.
Existing law already prohibits New York from participating in international boycotts against American allies. This new bill takes it one step further, prohibiting the state from “engag[ing] in any activity, or to promot[ing] or encourage[ing] others to engage in any activity, that will result in any person abstaining from commercial, social or political relations, with any allied nation, or companies based in an allied nation or in territories controlled by an allied nation, with the intent to penalize, inflict, or cause harm to, or otherwise promote or cast disrepute upon, such allied nation, its people or its commercial products.”
Please contact your Assembly Member today and let them know how important it is for them to pass this anti-BDS measure. This is a crucial piece of legislation, and will ensure that the close ties between New York and Israel remain intact. Your voice matters, so please let your voice be heard. Contact your Assembly Member today.
To find your New York Assembly Member click here.
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