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Sarah Stern Founder and President of EMET

Benjamin Weil – Director of EMET’s Program for Israel’s National Security

Hussein Aboubakr Mansour Director of EMET’s Program for Emerging Democratic Voices from Within the Middle East

About this webinar: Many people fallaciously believe that all EMET does is put on our terrific webinars, and seminars, and a yearly dinner. The truth is that EMET works every single day, members of Congress and their staffers about important, up-to-the-date attitudes and events in the Middle East. We do all of this so that our legislators and policymakers will understand and appreciate the role of our one democratic ally, Israel, in that very turbulent neighborhood which is the Middle East.

We would like to invite you to a virtual “behind closed doors” peek about some of the issues we discuss when we meet with members of Congress or their staffers. Please join Sarah Stern, Benjamin Weil, and Hussein Aboubakr Mansour to learn about what EMET actually does every day on Capitol Hill.

Sarah Stern is Founder and President of EMET. Prior to founding EMET, Sarah was the Executive Director for Governmental and Legislative Affairs of the American Jewish Congress, prior to that, she was the National Policy Coordinator of the Zionist Organization of America, and prior to that, she was a National Vice President of WINPAC, a national women’s pro-Israel political action committee. She has been responsible for bringing to the attention of Congress many issues that have resulted in the successful passage of legislation. Some among them include the Koby Mandell Act, which resulted in the opening of the Office of Justice for Victims of Overseas Terrorism within the Department of Justice the Taylor Force Act, which resulted in the American government withholding payments to the Palestinians’ “martyrs’ fund” and “prisoners’ fund”, and amendments to Title VI of the Higher Education Act calling for a “wide range of viewpoints and a diversity of perspectives” within the America’s taxpayer funded Middle Eastern Studies programs.

Benjamin Weil is Director of the Project for Israel’s National Security at the Endowment for Middle East Truth (EMET). Prior to that, Benjamin served as the International Policy Advisor to the Israeli Minister of Energy and a Member of Israel’s Security Cabinet, Dr. Yuval Steinitz. He worked extensively with senior White House officials, Capitol Hill, Department of Energy, and State Department on geopolitical issues, energy cooperation, and US foreign energy policy in the EastMed.

Hussein Aboubakr Mansour is the Director for Emerging Democratic Voice in the Middle East. Hussein is a native Egyptian who tried to counter anti-semitism in Egypt and promote normalization with Israel. He participated in the Arab Spring and received political asylum in the United States in 2012. Hussein worked as an instructor for language and culture at the Defense Language Institute at Monterey, California then proceeded to work as an educator and public speaker for StandWithUs, educating students about cultural and geopolitical issues in the Middle East as well as helping them countering antisemitism.

About the Author

The Endowment for Middle East Truth
Founded in 2005, The Endowment for Middle East Truth (EMET) is a Washington, D.C. based think tank and policy center with an unabashedly pro-America and pro-Israel stance. EMET (which means truth in Hebrew) prides itself on challenging the falsehoods and misrepresentations that abound in U.S. Middle East policy.

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