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David Albright Physicist, Founder and President of the Institute for Science and International Security

About this webinar: Lieutenant General Aviv Kochavi, the Commander in Chief of the IDF has said that Iranian nuclear breakout is a matter of months, maybe even weeks, and has instructed the army to prepare a number of operational plans. It is the opinion of the Israeli Defense Establishment that the JCPOA 2015 nuclear deal with Iran was fatally flawed and that it would be a serious mistake to return to it. Meanwhile the Biden administration has vowed to either return to it or to make it, in the words of Secretary of State, Tony Blinken, “longer and stronger.” However, so far the Iranians have signaled that they are firmly against any revisions or modifications to the original deal.
What are the options for the United States? What are they for Israel? And just how far along are the Iranians in their nuclear program?

David Albright is the Founder and President of the Institute for Science and International Security. He is a physicist who directs the work of the Institute and has published in several journals, including including the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, Science, Scientific American, Science and Global Security, Washington Quarterly, and Arms Control Today. Research reports by Albright have been published by the Environmental Policy Institute in Washington, D.C. and Princeton University’s Center for Energy and Environmental Studies.

About the Author

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