September 18, 2024

Contact: Sarah Stern

Founder and President, EMET

(202) 601-7422


EMET Endorses Rep. Steube’s Bill to Ensure Accountability for LAF Funding

(September 18, 2024, Washington, DC)

The Endowment for Middle East Truth (EMET) is proud to endorse the Preventing Armed Groups from Engaging in Radicalism (PAGER) Act.

The bill, introduced by Rep. Greg Steube (R-FL) will suspend US assistance to the Lebanese Armed Forces, until certain conditions have been met regarding the role terrorist organization Hezbollah plays within Lebanon and its government, as well as its infiltration of the LAF. The bill also conditions aid on an end to ever-widening cooperation between the LAF and Iran.

For years, the Lebanese Armed Forces have seen their role in Lebanon eroded to a point where they’re no longer a competent force working to protect the country and its sovereignty, but rather a rubber stamp for Hezbollah’s terrorist activities. This is especially true along Lebanon’s southern border with Israel, where Hezbollah has been acting with complete impunity since October 7th, firing missiles and UAVs directed at Israeli communities. On July 27th, Hezbollah fired missiles at a soccer field in the Israeli Golan Heights village of Majdal Shams, murdering 12 children.

The reality that the international community, led by the United Nations Security Council, tried to set through resolution 1701, has not and cannot be achieved. Hezbollah is amounting its forces along Lebanon’s south and is already carrying out daily attacks against Israel, resulting in the displacement of some 80,000 residents of Israel’s north – Jews and Arabs alike. The Lebanese Armed Forces, as well as UNIFIL, have shown complete incompetence in curbing Hezbollah activity, and in some cases – complicity.

It is time the United States recognizes this reality, and acts accordingly.

About the Author

Sarah Stern
Sarah Stern is founder and president of the Endowment for Middle East Truth (EMET).

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