Contact: Naomi Grant
Endowment for Middle East Truth
(February 18, 2022, Washington, DC) EMET applauds Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-Wisc.) and 173 of his colleagues on their Feb. 16 letter to President Biden expressing strong disapproval of the Iran negotiations and reminding him of Congress’s role in foreign treaties.
The letter makes seven guarantees should Biden continue to ignore Congress, including that Congress will view a treaty with Iran as non-binding, “work tirelessly to reimpose and strengthen any terrorism, missile or human rights sanctions lifted [or] suspended,” and investigate connections between the Iran negotiations and negotiations with Russia concerning their invasion of Ukraine.
Gallagher et al’s letter includes a much-needed reminder of Iran’s brutal treatment of its own people, squandering their “resources on terrorism [and] foreign aggression” and closes with a stern warning: there will never be normalized relations between the US and Iran if Biden “provide[s] sanction relief that will fuel the regime’s corruption and incompetence at the expense of the Iranian people.”
EMET joins the letter’s signers in urging the Biden administration to “learn from the first JCPOA’s failures, and work with Congress to impose maximum pressure on the Iranian regime.”
Said EMET Founder & President Sarah Stern, “It’s been seven years since the last nuclear deal, and we have watched the regime flagrantly ignore the cap on uranium enrichment at the 3.65 level and steadily enrich up to the 60% level, which is a quick and easy glide to the 90% level necessary for a nuclear bomb.”
Continued Ms. Stern, “Iran has denied the International Atomic Energy Agency access to nuclear sites, defeating the purpose of ‘anywhere, anytime inspections.’ They have exported terrorism to their proxies around the globe, and their brutal abuse of basic rights of women, gays, religious minorities and of dissidents. They have surely proven that they cannot be trusted.”
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