Press Release
February 18, 2024
Contact: Sarah Stern and Joseph Epstein
(202) 601-7422
EMET Applauds the House Resolution Condemning the Sexual Violence of Hamas on October 7, But is Shocked by the Stark Silence by Women’s Rights Organizations Since the Attack
(February 18, 2024, Washington, DC) –
On February 14, the United States House of Representatives voted unanimously 418-0 to condemn Hamas terrorists for sexual violence and rape. House Resolution 966, authored by Rep. Frankel, Lois (D-FL) was co-sponsored by 200 other members of Congress, from both sides of the aisle.
EMET is disturbed that despite being confronted by the evidence of Hamas brutality, sexual violence, and mutilation on the attack of October 7, reported on by major news outlets including The New York Times, women’s rights organizations globally continue to be silent in the face of such profound evil.
The silent screams of the victims continue to echo to the present, as women and children have now been held captive by this same terrorist organization Hamas for 135 days. Without medical attention, and with children having been separated from their parents, violence and brutality are being perpetrated on innocent civilians.
Says Sarah Stern, the Founder and President of EMET: “As more and more evidence emerges of the horrific crimes against Israeli women, including the wide-scale rape and dastardly mutilation of female organs, and the parading of naked Israeli women down the streets of Gaza to gearing crowds, one has to wonder where have the international women’s rights groups been, including the UN Commission on Women’s Rights? Why has this taken so long? Are Jewish and Israeli bodies not as valuable as those of the rest of the world’s female population? We remain incredibly grateful to Representative Lois Frankel and the entire US Congress for this important display of solidarity and support for the women of Israel.”
About The Endowment for Middle East Truth
Founded in 2005, EMET is a pro-American, pro-Israel, and pro-human rights, foreign policy think tank and policy shop in Washington, D.C. For more information, please visit
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