Contact: Sarah Stern
Action Alert: In Light of the Terrorist Attacks in Jerusalem, Contact Your Member of Congress and Senators and Have Them Enforce the Taylor Force Act to Discourage Incentivizing Terrorism in Israel
January 30, 2023
One of the most horrific terrorist attacks in more than 10 years occurred this past Friday night in Jerusalem, as Jews emerged from synagogue on the Sabbath, murdering 7 innocent civilians, including 14-year-old Asher Natan. The following day, a 13-year-old Palestinian boy shot a father and a son dining in a Jerusalem restaurant.
A large part of the problem is the Palestinian Authority (P.A.)’s glorification of “martyrdom”, which we believe constitutes the worst sort of child abuse imaginable, as well as the lavish financial incentives that the Palestinian Authority rewards its people for murdering innocent American and Israeli civilians, known as “Pay for Slay.”
The Taylor Force Act was passed and signed into law in March 2018. Named for Taylor Force, a 28-year-old graduate of West Point, who served one tour of duty in Iraq and one in Afghanistan. He came home totally unscathed, only to be walking along the beach in Jaffa, and to be fatally stabbed by a Palestinian terrorist.
The law clearly states that no funds should be given to the P.A. unless the P.A. has “terminated acts of payments against Israeli citizens and American citizens.”
Unfortunately, the Biden administration has been ignoring both the letter and the spirit of this federal law and continues to fund the Palestinian Authority. Unfortunately, P.A. President Mahmoud Abbas continues to defend this perverse practice.
Taylor’s parents, Robbi and Stuart Force; Sarri Singer, who was wounded in a Palestinian terrorist attack on a bus in Jerusalem on June 11, 2003; and Congressman Ronny Jackson, (R-Texas), with the assistance of America First Legal, are suing the Biden administration for continuing to ignore this federal law.
In 2021, the Biden administration had given close to a billion dollars in assistance, fully aware that money is fungible, and goes directly into the hands of Fatah, Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, The Lions’ Den, and the families of lone wolf terrorists.
Please call your Senators and member of Congress and ask them to make a statement in support of this lawsuit. Please encourage them to reintroduce the Taylor Force Martyr Payment Prevention Act, as well. The bill was first introduced in the last Congress by Senator Tom Cotton, (R-Arkansas) and Representative Doug Lamborn (R-Colorado), and deters international financial institutions from evading US law, including antiterrorism sanctions, in order to make banking services, available to Palestinian terrorists.
You can reach your legislators here:
US House: 202-225-3121
US Senate: 202-224-3121
For more information, please review this YouTube video of a recent EMET webinar with EMET Vice Chairwoman Lauri Regan, Julie Strauss of America First, Stuart Force, and Sarri Singer
Thank you very much.
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