Press Releases and Action Alerts

Press Releases and Action Alerts
EMET Strongly Opposes a Partisan, Biased, and Duplicative Resolution Imposing a Two-State Solution on Israel
Press Releases and Action Alerts
EMET Strongly Condemns Iran’s Latest Eliminationist Rhetoric Towards
Press Releases and Action Alerts
EMET Expresses its Strong Disappointment with the Decision to Remove U.S. Troops from Syria
Press Releases and Action Alerts
EMET Strongly Applauds Secretary of State Mike Pompeo
Press Releases and Action Alerts
EMET Applauds the U.S. State Department for Insisting that the U.S. Extradition Treaty with Jordan is Legal and Valid
Press Releases and Action Alerts
EMET Applauds President Trump for Withholding U.S. Military Aid to the Lebanese Armed Forces