July 9th, 2018
Sarah Stern considers herself shy and unassuming, but when it comes to Israel she is a fierce warrior for truth and righteousness. A lifelong Zionist, who worked in major pro-Israel organizations, ultimately determined to strike out on her own to promote messages she wasn’t hearing elsewhere.
Along the way, she has encountered great defenders of Israel both within and without the Jewish community; her annual “Rays of Light” gala deliberately honors courageous non-Jews – including Arabs and Muslims – who go against the tide in their writing or activism, offering perspectives that promote Israel as a beacon of democracy and light.
Sarah embodies these values no less, and has earned a broad following behind her passion and unwavering, unapologetic commitment.
Jews You Should Know introduces the broader community to interesting and inspiring Jewish men and women making a difference in our world. Some are already famous, some not yet so. But each is a Jew You Should Know.
The host, Rabbi Ari Koretzky, is Executive Director of MEOR Maryland (www.meormd.org), a premier Jewish outreach and educational organization. MEOR operates nationally on twenty campuses and in Manhattan; visit the national website at www.meor.org.”
Originally published on: http://jewsyoushouldknow.libsyn.com/episode-041-the-emet-founder-a-conversation-with-sarah-stern
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