Sarah Stern, the founder and president of EMET, and Michael Shapiro, Legislative Aide to Cong. Roskam, speak on the rise of
anti-Semitism around the globe and its impact on international security. During this past summer, anti-Semitic attacks and rhetoric have significantly spiked around the world, including across Europe and North America.In France during the month of July, eight synagogues were attacked, Jewish stores were looted, and Jews were physically assaulted and received death threats. A kosher grocery store and Jewish-owned pharmacy was burned to the ground, and chants of “Hitler was right” and “Death to the Jews” were shouted at a violent anti-Israel demonstration at Paris’s Bastille Square. That same month in Germany, molotov cocktails were thrown at a synagogue, and the slogans “Hamas, Hamas, Jews to the gas,” were among the anti-Semitic chants heard on the streets. In the UK, more than 100 hate crimes against Jews were reported in July, chants of “Heil Hitler” were said by attackers, bricks were thrown at a synagogue, smashing its windows, and at least two Jews were physically attacked. In early September, the US House of Representatives unanimously passed a resolution condemning anti-Semitism. The resolution calls on US Secretary of State John Kerry to combat anti-Semitism in the international arena, and “rejects attempts to justify anti-Jewish hatred or violent attacks as an acceptable expression of disapproval or frustration over political events in the Middle East or elsewhere.”
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