Ambassador Dermer: ”I’ve broken my policy to never follow Charles Krauthammer, but I must say he is one of Israel’s greatest defenders and I am honored to be here with him this evening.”… “All of you here have a difficult challenge and that is to stand up for the truth. And in standing for the truth think back to Ahad Ha’am, who in an essay written over a century ago, wrote that the ‘blood libel was a wonderful thing for the Jewish people.’ The reason is because it’s very hard for someone to stand up and speak the truth but the blood libels taught Jews that the whole world could believe something and the whole world could be wrong…. When Kofi Annan, someone whose legacy will not be moral clarity, got up in front of the media at the United Nations and he said, “About all the evil – I ask the people of Israel – can the whole world be wrong?” The answer – as Ahad Ha’am wrote decades before – is yes. All of you here do a great service by standing strong and firm and always defending the truth.”Mike Huckabee: ”I can visit every Christian site in Israel and they are all protected, where else in the Middle East can one do that?”
Spotted: Washington Nationals Owner Ted Lerner – who introduced Dr. Krauthammer; Members of Congress – Rep. Daniel Lipinski, Rep. Trent Franks, Rep. Louie Gohmert, Rep. Bill Posy, Rep. Steve Stockman, Rep. Andy Harris. Eli Groner, Israel’s Minister for Economic Affairs to the U.S., William Daroff, Nick Muzin, Rabbi Levi Shemtov, Edwin Black, Richard and Phyliss Heideman, David Naftali, and Frank Gaffney.
By Jacob Kornbluh & JI Staff
Originally published at
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