
The “Helicopter Israel West Bank Briefing” without the Helicopter: Topographical and Geostrategic Realities for America in the Middle East

United States Capitol Capitol Visitor Center, Washington, DC, United States

The Endowment for Middle East Truth, along with the Republican Study Committee is pleased to co-sponsor a briefing by Mark Langfan on the geostrategic challenges for America in the United States. Mark Langfan is a noted Israeli security analyst who in 1991 created a 3 dimensional topographic raised-relief map system of Israel. Viewing the 3D […]

The Endowment for Middle East Truth’s 5th Annual “September 11th Saudi Infiltration Seminar”

United States Capitol Capitol Visitor Center, Washington, DC, United States

Ever since EMET’s inception, we’ve held an annual 9/11 Memorial seminar, dedicated to the nearly 3,000 Americans who lost their lives that fateful day. Since 15 of the 19 of the terrorists who hijacked the planes were Saudi Nationals, we have always viewed this date as an important opportunity to examine Saudi Arabia, and its […]

RETHINKING THE END GAME: Improving Lives in the Middle East

United States Capitol Capitol Visitor Center, Washington, DC, United States

The Endowment For Middle East Truth is a proud co-sponsor of this Z-Street Event which features a number of prominent experts on issues of great import in the Middle East. In light of the agreement between Fatah and Hamas, which will form a unity government,  the peace process is quickly unraveling. American foreign policy, and […]

EMET: The Jerusalem Conference for International Policy

United States Capitol Capitol Visitor Center, Washington, DC, United States

The Endowment for Middle East Truth is pleased to be a sponsor of this year’s Jerusalem Conference for International Policy on Capitol Hill. Below you can see a tentative schedule of the many accomplished speakers and policymakers who will be speaking, as well as information on how to register. Tentative schedule Seminar on Capitol Hill, […]

“Son of Hamas” briefs Capitol Hill on the ties between the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas

United States Capitol Capitol Visitor Center, Washington, DC, United States

Mosab Hassan Yousef grew up in the West Bank, the son one of the top founders of Hamas. Revolted by the violence and brutality of Hamas, Mosab was recruited by Israeli security. Working with his handlers, Mosab assisted in breaking up terrorist plots, and was able to get close to the top Hamas leadership. Mosab […]


United States Capitol Capitol Visitor Center, Washington, DC, United States

A Luncheon Briefing* by: Dr. Mordechai Kedar, Bar-Ilan University, Department of Arab and Middle East Studies Former Lt. Colonel, Israeli Military Intelligence Capitol Hill, Washington D.C. 12:00 pm January 24th, 2011 Part of the: Dr. Miriam and Sheldon G. Adelson Policy Seminar Series With a special thanks to: The office of Rep Shelley Berkley, 1st […]

Meeting of the newly launched Young EMET Leadership

United States Capitol Capitol Visitor Center, Washington, DC, United States

A meeting of the newly launched Young EMET Leadership will be held on Sunday November 21st. A captain from the Israeli Navy who is a first hand eye witness to the events of the Flotilla is our featured speaker. This event is by invitation only.

Center for Security Policy National Security Briefing Address By EMET President Sarah Stern

United States Capitol Capitol Visitor Center, Washington, DC, United States

EMET President Sarah Stern will be addressing the Center for Security Policy National Security Briefing at the Senate Russell Office Building on the Saudi Arms Deal , the Lifting of the Hold on the Arms, Support and Equipment t the Lebanese Armed Forces and the Arms Build Up within the Arab world.

Despite Risks, Arab and Muslim Critics of Jihadism Accept EMET Awards

United States Capitol Capitol Visitor Center, Washington, DC, United States

Emerging from hiding for one night, Wafa Sultan ignored the fatwas issued against her and came to Capitol Hill in order to receive the EMET Speaker of the Truth Award, an annual distinction presented to “those heroic Arabic and Islamic voices who speak out against the Jihadist worldview in order to bring change to their […]

Round Table Discussion

United States Capitol Capitol Visitor Center, Washington, DC, United States

Sarah Stern was invited to a small Round Table Discussion with Michael Chertoff, the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security and Dorit Beinisch, the President of the Israeli Supreme Court, as well as Sallai Meridor, the Ambassador of the State of Israel. The discussion was centered around preserving democracy and human Rights, while under the […]