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President Obama has led Western nations into negotiations with the Iranian regime regarding its nuclear program. The President wrongly believes that diplomatic outreach, while simultaneously relaxing international sanctions on the Iranian regime, is a worthwhile endeavor, when in reality it is dangerous appeasement.
In January of 2014, an interim deal was signed, and the P5+1 and Iran are now moving forward into negotiations over the final deal. Unfortunately, the six-month interim deal, whose text will not be publicly released by the Obama Administration, will provide Iran with sanctions relief amounting to “well more than $20 billion dollars,” but in return gives little of any real value to the West.
According to a recent analysis, even if Iran fully complies with the requirements of the nuclear deal, its ability to build a nuclear weapon will be delayed for just one month. This deal will lead to the unimpeded development of Iranian nuclear weapons.
This must not be allowed to happen.
Contact your Member of Congress and Senators, and ask them to do everything in their power to stop Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons.
Help us work to ensure that our policymakers and the public receive the EMET- the Truth.