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What Works in Washington With Cal Thomas
April 23, 2014 @ 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM

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(Dietary Laws Observed)
RSVP to: dheffernan@emetonline.org,
Please Include Subject Line: “Cal Thomas Event”
Why is it that, despite repeated failures, U.S. foreign policy continues to be mired in the same mistaken assumptions? Whether its trusting dictators to bind themselves to signed treaties, remaining slavishly devoted to failed paradigms regarding the importance of the “peace process,” or the wisdom of disarmament in the face of aggression, it seems that Washington routinely fails to learn the lessons of history.
EMET is proud to bring 2008 Speaker of the Truth Award recipient Cal Thomas to Capitol Hill to discuss his new book, “What Works: Common Sense Solutions for a Stronger America”. Subtitled “It’s Groundhog’s Day In Washington,” Cal examines why failed policies and mistaken assumptions continuely rear their head in government, even when an objective examination reveals their flaws.
Cal Thomas is one of the most popular syndicated columnists in the country, appearing in hundreds of newspapers. He also writes the Common Ground column (with his liberal Democrat friend Bob Beckel) and regularly appears on Fox News. He began his career in radio, TV, and print at the age of sixteen. 2014 marks the thirtieth anniversary of his syndicated column.
DIRECTIONS: The main entrance to the Capitol Visitor Center is located on First Street between Independence Avenue and Constitution Avenue, across the street from the U.S. Supreme Court, down the stairs.
Closest metro station: Capitol South (orange/blue line) OR Union Station (red line)
Closest public parking: Union Station OR any available metered spots on the Hill.
Security: PLEASE NOTE you will have to go through security to enter the premises. We still plan to open room doors for lunch at 11:30am, but please allow yourself at least an extra fifteen minutes to clear security. To expedite the process, please remember to remove any electronic or metallic devices from your person.
ALSO PLEASE NOTE that you may NOT bring in any food from outside or liquids of any kind (bottled water, perfume, etc.) into the building.