
About this Issue

The Jewish state of Israel is the strongest and most consistent ally of the U.S. in the Middle East. Israel provides more intelligence to the U.S. than any other country in the world. The Israeli Defense Forces, and its’ intelligence agencies, all facilitate and support the projection of American interests throughout the Middle East. Israel’s growing economy has provided many technological innovations that have strongly benefited the U.S. (and other nations). Twice, Israel has bombed nuclear reactors, in Iraq and Syria, thereby preventing those rogue states from having nuclear weapons to use again U.S. soldiers who were later involved in wars in those states. And U.S. military investment in Israel, now worth $3.8 billion a year, often erroneously referred to as “foreign aid,” has evolved into a mutually-beneficial, two-way street mode, providing the U.S. a well-deserved high-return on its’ investment. EMET educates Congress on the importance of supporting a strong Israel, so that it can more effectively assist the U.S. against threats coming from the region.

“Israel Indivisible”: Q & A with Producer Laurie Cardoza Moore
Israel: A Congenital Act of Aggression?
Q & A about ISIS with Thomas Joscelyn w/ remarks by Amb. James Woolsey
EMET Briefing with Thomas Joscelyn: The New Islamic Caliphate: ISIS
Exposing Hamas
EMET Phone Seminar-Mosab Hassan Yousef: An Inside Look into Hamas
Call It for What it is: Anti-Semitism
IDF finds Hamas manual on “Urban Warfare”
EMET supports new U.S. Senate legislation to increase Iran Dome funding