Antisemitic incitement has been a stable of Palestinian propaganda for decades. With social media, incitement for violence took a new turn as it assumed a life of its own. In 2015, what became known as the “Stabbing Intifada,” witnessed a wave of seemingly independent terrorist attacks on Israelis that were not centrally organized. At the time, Prime Minister Netanyahu described it as, “Bin Laden meets Mark Zuckerberg.” Taking those events as a case study, Mansour will look into how symbolic systems are created and deployed to create psychological conditions for young Palestinians that produce such violence in a specific prescribed way and coordinate such actions between individuals.
Hussein Aboubakr Mansour is the Director for Emerging Democratic Voice in the Middle East. Hussein is a native Egyptian who tried to counter antisemitism in Egypt and promote normalization with Israel. He participated in the Arab Spring and received political asylum in the United States in 2012.
Hussein worked as an instructor for language and culture at the Defense Language Institute at Monterey, California then proceeded to work as an educator and public speaker for StandWithUs, educating students about cultural and geopolitical issues in the Middle East as well as helping them countering antisemitism.
Hussein is the author of his autobiography “Minority of One: The Unchaining of the Arab Mind,” and he has also written articles that have appeared in the Jewish Journal, the Times of Israel, Mosaic Magazine, and Commentary.
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